Thursday, December 24, 2015


It does not make sense that God would act this way.
Why send his Son to lie on a manger of hay?
Why would the Holy One be so defiled?
Why would the Creator come as a helpless child?

Why would God send his angel and give such a sight,
To humble shepherds watching their flocks at night?
We often judge people by the company they keep.
Jesus’ first visitors would be smelling of sheep.

Jesus’ own people paid him no honor that day.
But some wise men came from very far away.
Will our thoughts dwell on his birth this Christmas day?
It was the price of our sins he came to pay.

This year, in our times of rushing to and fro,
May it be our love for Jesus that we show.
This years, when we are filling our  shopping carts,
May our faces reflect the joy in our hearts.

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